Tuesday, April 20, 2010

RTT: Waiting for my brain to return from it's vacation


Well hello Tuesday, let's do some random:

  • Tax Season is officially O-V-E-R.  That was a rough one.  First trimester/software conversion/crazy client madness.
  • April 16th is a holiday around this office, my body went to the spa, my brain on the other hand went somewhere else - I am waiting for it to come back.  Maybe it went to Europe and can't get a flight home?
  • The Man Cub will be two in three weeks - as much as he already acts like a two year old I just can't believe that my baby-child will be two.
  • I sent out the invitations for the Man Cub's kid party with the wrong location on it.  Awesome.  I am an idiot.  
  • I have decided to stop acting like I have my shit together.  Then people won't expect me to get stuff right.  Right?
  • The hubs goes out of town tomorrow, thankfully he will be back on Friday.  Then he leaves for China for some yet to be terminated length of time right after Mother's Day.
  • I had 183 blog posts in my reader yesterday.  
  • Do you start at the top of your reader and work yourself down?  Start at the bottom?  Read your favorites first?  Favorites last?
Go see Keely (I am too lazy to link that) for the best random available for your Tuesday pleasure.

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